Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Ain't That the Truth 'Bout Lawyers?!

As a former/probably still transitioning lawyer, I loved this video. It's so TRUE and FUNNY.

If you feel the burning need to go law school, speak to a lawyer first and don't ignore their warnings! :)

Either way, this makes for a good laugh.


lavenderpug said...

haha i saw this. it's perfect. they also have one for phd's. man, it hits as little too close to the truth, doesn't it.

Dead Flowers said...

Yikes. Wish I had seen this about five years ago.

Terra said...

OMG I just saw this for the first time and it made me pee a little. I wish I had seen this 10 years ago...it's not so easy paying those student loans on a yoga teacher salary. haha