Friday, December 9, 2011

WeVerb Day 9 - Appreciate

WeVerb Day 9


In which moment did you find yourself flooded with gratitude? How will you rally around gratitude in 2012?

Honestly, I would not have gotten through this year without practicing gratitude. Amid much of the stress and much of the lows and questioning this year, I was still so thankful. I can't say that it was any one moment, but it was a continuous stream of being very appreciative of all that I do have. I appreciated my health, my marriage, all of the physical trappings and good things that I am fortunate to have. In a time, when so many people are struggling financially, we are not. I am muddling through life right now, but I muddle through a very good one.

A lot of this I attribute to my faith orientation. I personally believe that without it, I may not have been able to see the good I have around me. I am thankful and appreciative for that, too.

I hope that I will have an even deeper attitude of gratitude in 2012.

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